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  Welcome to Barcelona, Peter!  



Your friend Peter is a German student you met last July at an English summer course in Portsmouth. In spite of the fact that he is in a wheelchair after breaking his backbone in a road accident, he has a very busy life. He loves travelling and meeting new people everywhere he goes. Once at home in Frankfurt, he always keeps in touch with his friends by e-mail. Next July he is travelling to Barcelona for the first time because he wants to go sightseeing. He is particularly interested in Gaudi's works.


You have just received an e-mail from Peter where he asks you for help. He wants to be sure that he would be able to move about on his own in Barcelona so he has sent you a list of minimum requirements you will find out about for him.
:: ACTIVITIES | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |


Activity 1  

Visit the following pages and read the information carefully:

:: Webquest General Information Page: here you will find useful hints to facilitate your task and improve the final outcome of your project.

:: Webquest 6 Evaluation Sheet: here you will find how you are going to be rated.

Activity 2  
    :: Choose a partner to work with and share roles with him/her.  
Activity 3  

:: Find the following information:

1) Accessibility to the airport of El Prat.

2) Accessible public transport (buses, underground and taxis).

3) An accessible hotel (two or three stars).

4) A place to repair his wheelchair in case he needs to do so.

5) Accessibility to Gaudi's main buildings.

:: Visit the page provided below to search for the information required (points 1 to 4):

(When you click "Spain" on this website, you will need Acrobat to download the information required to answer your friend's requests. You can download Acrobat at: http://www.adobe.es/products/acrobat/readstep2.html).

:: Visit the web pages provided below to search for the information required (point 5):

>> http://www.accessibility.com.au/news/articles/laffan/barcelona.htm

>> http://www.geocities.com/Paris/1502/barcelona.htm

>> http://www.turismefacil.org

Activity 4  

:: You can collect your findings in a brochure for disabled tourists.


  • a brief comment on the five points mentioned above
  • pictures to make your brochure more attractiv
Activity 5  
    :: Make your own postcard of Barcelona. Then, write to your friend inviting him to visit you when he is in Barcelona.  
Activity 6  
    :: Make a poster or a PowerPoint presentation. It should include your brochure and your postcard.  
Activity 7  
    :: Hang the poster in your classroom (providing you have made one, of course).  
Activity 8  
    :: As a group, choose the best three posters or PowerPoint presentations. The most outstanding will be shown on the web page of the project. The other two will be exhibited on the school noticeboard.  
Activity 1  
    :: Complete Webquest 6 Evaluation Sheet, print it and give it to your teacher.  

With this webquest you have learnt a great deal about accessibility to Barcelona.

You also know how to organize the information in a brochure for disabled tourists and make and write a postcard in English.


Additional information  

If you want to know more about accessibility to Barcelona, you can visit the following web pages:

>> http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/services/tourism/policy-areas/guides.htm

>> http://www.arrakis.es/~engb/turismo.htm

>> http://www.spain.info/Portal/EN/Default.htm?cookie%5Ftest=1


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