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Resultats finals del PROJECTE: PROJECT Final Products



A la trobada de CINFAES (JUNY 2013) HEM TANCAT el projecte: At the meeting in Cinfaes (June 2013) we ended the project.


A la trobada de dobrich (abril 2013) NO han vingut: Warsaw has not come to the meeting in Dobrich (April 2013).


A la trobada d'ISTANBUL (febrer 2013) han presentat: Warsaw has presented at the meeting in Istanbul (February 2013):

Caixer automàtic. Cash machine.


No demanis prestat. Don't borrow.


Normes financeres. Finantial rules.


Educació financera a l'escola. Finantial education in school.


Com fer un bon pla de compres. How to do a good plan of purchases.


Diners a Europa (1). Money in Europe (1)


Diners a Europa (2). Money in Europe (2).


Escola d'estalvis. School savings bank.



A la trobada de birmingham (desembre 2012) han presentat: Warsaw has presented at the meeting in Birmingham (December 2012):

Al restaurant de pizzes i fent-ne una. In pizza Restaurant and making a pizza.


Treballs (manualitats). Jobs (artworks).


Treballs (activitats diàries). Jobs (daily activity).


Treballs (jocs per Infantil). Jobs (game for kindergardens).


Treballs (jocs per Primària). Jobs (game for schools).


Treballs (instrucciosn i il·lustracions). Jobs (rules and ilustrations).


Parlant amb el pilot. Meeting with the pilot.


Caixer. Money box.


Guardiola. Piggy bank.


Poster. Poster.


La cigala i la formiga. The cricket and the ant.


La cigala i la formiga (video - introducció). The cricket and the ant (video - introduction).


La cigala i la formiga (video - 1). The cricket and the ant (video - 1).


La cigala i la formiga (video - 2). The cricket and the ant (video - 2).



A la trobada de Warsaw (Octubre 2012) HEM PLANIFICAT el segon any de projecte: At the meeting in Warsaw (October 2012) we planned the second year of the project.


A la trobada de trikala (juny 2012) han presentat: Warsaw has presented at the meeting in Trikala (June 2012):

Recull d'activitats. Activity report



A la trobada de PAIDE (maig 2012) NO han vingut: Warsaw has not come to the meeting in Paide (Mai 2012):

Per fi, a la trobada de Francavilla, la representació de Varsòvia ha pogut venir. Enhorabona!. Finally, the representacion of Warsaw could join us in the meeting in Francavilla. Congratulations!

A la trobada de Cookstown la representació de Varsòvia no ha pogut venir per problemes burocràtics amb la seva AN. Esperem retrobar-nos properament. Representation of Warsaw could not come to the meeting in Cookstown because they have had bureaucratic problems with their NA. Hope we meet them again soon.

A la trobada de Reus la representació de Varsòvia no ha pogut venir per problemes burocràtics amb la seva AN. Esperem retrobar-nos properament. Representation of Warsaw could not come to the meeting in Reus because they have had bureaucratic problems with their NA. Hope we meet them again soon.