
Santillana Net Languages WebQuests

Getting To Know
An English-speaking Country

Planning The Itinerary

When you have chosen your destination (Malta, Northern Ireland or New Zealand), start planning your journey. You will need to decide:

  • the dates of your trip - remember it's for ten days
  • how are you going to get there?
  • how much will it cost per person (approximately)?
  • where will you stay?
  • what will you do?
  • how will you travel around?

To help you plan, you should

  1. draw up an itinerary - like this:
Day 1    
Day 2    
Day 3    
Day 4    
Day 5    
Day 6    
Day 7    
Day 9    
Day 9    
Day 10    

  1. draw a map of your proposed route

  2. Write a short explanation of your planned trip for your parents. You can include these expressions:
  • We have decided to go to/visit/stay in….
  • We plan to go to/visit/see/stay in….
  • We think it would be a good idea/nice/interesting to….
  • This is because….
  • The reason we would like to …. is because…

Useful links:

Here you can get information about how much the flight will cost


English classes:

Are you going to attend English classes during your trip? If so, you should go to this site and follow the links to either Malta or New Zealand. For Malta, you could also look under “Study: Learning English” at this site. For Northern Ireland try this one...

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