
Santillana Net Languages WebQuests

Getting To Know
An English-speaking Country

Asking Permission

You have all the information you need. Now you will have to ask permission to go on your trip. You will need to write an individual letter, either to your parents or to your school director.

In this letter you need to include:

  • your individual objectives, that is, your personal reasons for going on this trip
  • your group objectives, that is, your class’s reasons for the trip (see Process 2)
  • the highlights of your planned itinerary
  • an estimate of the cost of the trip
  • a request for permission to go on the trip

Here are some useful ways of asking permission:

  • I’d like permission to…
  • Would it be OK if I…?
  • I really hope you will let me….
  • Could I (possibly) …?

When you have written your letter, check it for spelling and grammar. Does it sound polite? Do you present your argument clearly?

When you are ready, send your letter to your teacher for marking. You can also ready your classmates’ letters, if you like.

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