
Santillana Net Languages WebQuests

Getting To Know
An English-speaking Country

Presenting Your Plan

Your group is now ready to present your plan to the rest of your class. This can be done in two ways:

  • an illustrated oral presentation
  • a wall magazine/poster

The presentation should have three stages:

  • our objectives
  • our itinerary
  • the estimated cost

In an illustrated oral presentation your group will present your plan to the class, using a poster, blackboard, or overhead projector to show your planned itinerary.

In a wall magazine or poster you should present your information in an attractive visual way so that it can be displayed for other students to look at.

Here are some useful expressions for your presentation:


  • We would like to…
  • We hope to….
  • We aim to…
  • The main purpose of our trip is to…


  • On Day One we plan to….
  • …then… next…
  • That night…
  • On the following day …
  • Depending on… we intend to…


  • We estimate/calculate/reckon that…
  • Depending on …
  • It should cost around/approximately/more or less…
    ….(not) including….

Listen to, or look at, the other groups’ presentations. Which one did you think was

  • the most carefully planned?
  • the most economical?
  • the most interesting?
  • the most unusual?
  • the one most likely to be approved by the school, or by parents?

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