
Santillana Net Languages WebQuests

Getting To Know
An English-speaking Country

Sending A Postcard

Your school and parents gave you permission. You packed, you travelled, you arrived - in your chosen destination. You are now on day 5 of your trip. It’s time to send a postcard to your teacher, telling him/her how you are, what you have been doing, and what you are going to do next.

Plan your postcard carefully. Include this information:

  • how you feel
  • the trip from home
  • first impressions
  • the weather
  • what you have seen and done
  • what you have bought
  • what you are going to do next

Here are some useful expressions you could use:

  • We’re having a wonderful/marvellous/great etc time...
  • The flight was OK/long/awful/boring....
  • What struck me most when we arrived was....
  • So far the weather has been....
  • We’ve been to...
  • We’ve done....
  • On Tuesday we went/saw/had/bought...
  • I’ve bought myself/you/my parents a…
  • Tomorrow we’re going to...
  • See you on....

When you have written your postcard, choose a picture to go with it! You can copy and paste a picture from one of the tourist web sites listed in Process & Resources 4.

To do this right click on the picture and then choose “Save picture as…”. Send your completed postcard (and picture) to your teacher.

You can also find e-postcards for Northern Ireland, New Zealand and Malta at these sites...

When you have finished, use the arrow below (->) to continue to the self-evaluation stage...

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